Nearly four decades after the iconic Scarface (1983) redefined crime cinema, its sequel, Scarface 2 (2025), directed by Denis Villeneuve (Blade Runner 2049, Dune), promises to deliver a bold continuation of Tony Montana’s legacy. The official trailer dropped today, and it’s already generating buzz with its modern twist on the classic tale of ambition, betrayal, and power.
Trailer Breakdown
The trailer opens with a sweeping aerial shot of Miami at night, the neon-lit skyline pulsing to a modern remix of Giorgio Moroder’s classic Push It to the Limit.
- Key Highlights:
- A New Protagonist: The focus shifts to Alejandro Montana, played by Diego Luna, the illegitimate son of Tony Montana. Alejandro, raised in the shadows of his father’s infamy, seeks to carve out his own empire in a city dominated by high-tech surveillance and ruthless cartels.
- Power Struggles: We see glimpses of Alejandro clashing with rival kingpin Carlos Vega (portrayed by Pedro Pascal) and navigating treacherous alliances.
- Symbolic Imagery: The infamous “The World Is Yours” globe, shattered and rusted, serves as a haunting reminder of Tony Montana’s fall.
- Homages: Classic lines and moments are reimagined, including Alejandro standing on a luxurious balcony, echoing his father’s declaration of power.
The trailer ends with Alejandro, bloodied but defiant, uttering the line: “In this world, you take what’s yours… or it takes you.”
Plot Details
Set in the present day, Scarface 2 explores the impact of Tony Montana’s legacy on his estranged son, Alejandro. Abandoned by his father and raised in poverty, Alejandro grows up resenting the Montana name but ultimately succumbs to the allure of power.
- Storyline:
Alejandro returns to Miami after the death of his mother, determined to reclaim what he believes is his birthright. As he rises through the ranks of Miami’s criminal underworld, he faces betrayals, moral dilemmas, and the ghosts of his father’s past.
The film also dives into the modernization of crime, focusing on cyber warfare, money laundering, and the integration of technology into the drug trade. - Themes:
Power and legacy remain central themes, with Alejandro’s journey reflecting both the allure and the cost of ambition. The film also critiques the cyclical nature of violence and the dangers of unchecked greed.
Cast and Crew
- Director: Denis Villeneuve, known for his visually stunning and thought-provoking films.
- Cast:
- Diego Luna as Alejandro Montana.
- Pedro Pascal as Carlos Vega, a rival cartel leader.
- Ana de Armas as Sofia, Alejandro’s confidante and love interest.
- Giancarlo Esposito as Javier Moreno, a tech-savvy crime lord.
- A surprise cameo by Al Pacino, reprising Tony Montana in flashbacks and hallucinations.
- Screenwriter: Taylor Sheridan (Sicario, Yellowstone), bringing gritty realism to the narrative.
Budget Estimate
The film reportedly boasts a budget of $100 million, reflecting its high-octane action sequences, elaborate set designs, and cutting-edge visual effects to recreate Miami’s vibrant yet dangerous underworld.
Release Date
Scarface 2 is set to hit theaters on December 18, 2025, making it one of the most anticipated holiday releases of the year.
Scarface 2 (2025) reimagines the iconic story for a modern audience while paying homage to the original’s enduring legacy. With a compelling cast, a visionary director, and a fresh yet faithful narrative, the sequel aims to captivate fans old and new.
As Alejandro Montana rises to power, viewers will be reminded of the timeless cautionary tale: in the pursuit of the world, you may lose yourself.