The upcoming animated film Moana 2, officially titled Moana: We’re Back, continues the journey of the spirited Polynesian explorer Moana and her legendary companion, Maui, voiced once again by Auli‘i Cravalho and Dwayne Johnson. Set to hit theaters on November 27, 2024, this Disney production brings Moana back to the high seas, venturing into unknown, treacherous waters to answer a mysterious ancestral call. Directed by David Derrick Jr. with co-directors Jason Hand and Dana Ledoux Miller, Moana 2 introduces a fresh, rich narrative that builds on themes of courage, family, and legacy, characteristic of the original 2016 film.
The new film promises impressive animation, with the Vancouver-based Walt Disney Animation Studios team employing groundbreaking techniques. Moana 2 is also enhanced by a rich musical score composed by returning talents Mark Mancina and Opetaia Foa‘i, alongside Grammy-winning artists Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear. Their soundtrack complements the film’s emotional depth and explores Moana’s inner journey of self-discovery and heritage.
The film reportedly boasts a substantial budget, estimated between $150 million and $200 million, which reflects its ambitious scale and the Disney studio’s high production values. This investment supports the intricate animation and high-stakes adventure plotline, as Moana teams up with a cast of new characters, including her adorable sister, Simea, and a group of resilient wayfinders. Among these new companions are Moni, an admirer of Maui, and Kele, a rugged farmer, each adding depth and charm to the story.
With its sweeping visuals, adventurous storyline, and heartfelt themes, Moana 2 aims to captivate audiences of all ages, much like its predecessor. Fans are eagerly awaiting the release, which promises to be a stunning cinematic return to the beloved world of Moana and her oceanic adventures.