Shrek 5 (2025) marks the long-awaited return of the beloved green ogre, voiced once again by Mike Myers, alongside his loyal friends and family. This new installment in the iconic animated franchise picks up years after Shrek Forever After, as Shrek has settled into a quiet life in the swamp with Fiona (Cameron Diaz), their kids, and of course, Donkey (Eddie Murphy). But just as Shrek has embraced a life of peace, a new adventure calls, bringing laughter, chaos, and a fresh dose of fairy-tale mischief.
The trailer opens with Shrek feeling a bit restless, as his once-quiet swamp has become a bustling family environment. Just as he’s settling into his new life, rumors of a powerful and mysterious villain emerge, threatening the entire fairy-tale kingdom. When Donkey brings the news, Shrek, Fiona, and Puss in Boots (Antonio Banderas) find themselves back on the road for an unexpected adventure, gathering old friends and new allies alike to protect their world.
Throughout the trailer, fans get glimpses of both familiar and new characters, including cameos from classic fairy-tale creatures. The humor is sharper than ever, with Donkey’s witty quips and Puss’s charming antics setting a lively tone. But underlying the humor, the story delves into themes of family, friendship, and the importance of embracing change, even when it’s unexpected.
With DreamWorks reportedly allocating a $200 million budget, Shrek 5 boasts stunning animation, rich in color and detail, bringing a fresh visual appeal to the timeless franchise. Directed by a new visionary filmmaker, the movie blends the classic Shrek humor with a heartfelt, modern story, while staying true to the charm that fans have adored for years.
Shrek 5 promises a delightful adventure for both new audiences and long-time fans, filled with laughter, heartfelt moments, and the endearing magic that made Shrek a household name. As Shrek, Fiona, Donkey, and Puss embark on their journey, fans are reminded that sometimes, the greatest adventures come when we least expect them.