Marvel’s Inhumans

Marvel’s Inhumans (2017) is a TV series developed by ABC Studios and Marvel Television, based on the Marvel Comics characters known as the Inhumans. Despite its high expectations and significant investment, the show struggled to achieve critical and commercial success.

Budget and Production

The series had a substantial production budget of approximately $80 million, with around $14 million dedicated to the pilot episode. Unique to the series, the first two episodes were filmed using IMAX cameras and premiered in IMAX theaters worldwide on September 1, 2017, before the full series debuted on ABC on September 29, 2017. This marked a novel approach to merging television and cinematic experiences, as Marvel aimed to deliver an epic, blockbuster-quality show.

The IMAX collaboration and filming on location in Hawaii added to the ambitious scope of the project. However, critics noted that the visual effects, costumes, and sets did not meet the expectations set by the show’s high budget and Marvel’s reputation.

Release and Reception

Despite its innovative IMAX premiere, Marvel’s Inhumans received overwhelmingly negative reviews. Critics cited weak storytelling, uneven performances, and lackluster production design as major shortcomings. The show was also unfavorably compared to other Marvel projects, with many fans and critics expressing disappointment in its deviation from the high standards of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

The eight-episode series failed to captivate audiences, leading to low ratings and limited audience engagement. Its average viewership dropped significantly after the premiere, and ABC decided not to renew the series for a second season.

Success Story?

Though the series is often considered a misstep for Marvel Television, it stands as an experiment in merging theatrical and television formats. Lessons learned from Inhumans likely influenced Marvel’s later successful Disney+ series, such as WandaVision and Loki. While Inhumans did not achieve the acclaim or popularity hoped for, it remains a curious chapter in Marvel’s efforts to expand its reach beyond the big screen.

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